
Susan L.

When I returned home from my WWW weekend, I felt radiant, refreshed, and revitalized! Radiant because of the way I was treated by the other women and how we were coached to speak about ourselves. Refreshed because of the time I spent with the Lord and relaxing with the other women. And revitalized- my love tank was full and I had more than enough to share with others when I returned.  

Hatty L.

The beach trip was an unforgettable journey where I met all of you incredible ladies. It was a new way of me getting to know God, and his people. It was also the best time I connected with new friends, by sharing life stories, having deep conversations and enjoying great meals and drinks. The bond and trust I found in this sisterhood will support and enrich my life in a profound way that goes beyond just sand and sunrise/set.

Emily W.

WWW 2023 was the most impactfuI weekend in 2023 for me. My biggest prayer has to been to find my spiritual community since moving here five years ago. I came not knowing what to expect.

What I found was a beautiful tribe of women who were raw, transparent, vulnerable, and all about Jesus.

What I found so beautiful is that I found myself with deep connection to many of them not just one or two. I truly believe this was an answer to prayer for my life. Judi, our speaker, spoke with such grace and kindness. Her simple message turning our face towards Jesus was a true example of the gospel.

I felt that each woman could be herself, could be honest about where she was at with life and in life, and even where she felt, she was with the Lord. I found myself for the first time in a very long time, wanting to be in a group group of women.

I left that retreat with new family. I left with a new sense of connection with the Lord.

I look forward to each time I connect with these women because my life is richer because of them.

Theresa P.

I will never forget my first WWW that connected me to a sisterhood given by the Father. I wondered if these ladies who did not know me would truly accept me and they did that and more! My life has been forever changed and my heart is eternally grateful!  

Katie R.

Every year that I have anticipated attending WWW, I start to get excited about what God is going to do for others. I can see it as clear as day.  As for myself, I prepare to go in with an open heart and open mind.  The time we spend together in teaching, fellowship, and fun is so rewarding!  God does not disappoint if we come in willing and ready to receive.  It is something that is so valuable to me that I want it for every woman of every age!  

Nichole S.

Wine women and the Word has been one of my most favorite weekends to get away! Not only do I get to be with my “old” friends relaxing on a beautiful beach but I get to make new ones! The memories made on girls weekend don’t compare to most vacation memories and they will stay with me for a lifetime! Soaking up the word, encouragement, relaxation, being silly, laughing until our cheeks hurt, staying up late, healing, crying, This is all part of the magic of WWW weekend.

Stefania W.


Have you ever heard of -or experienced revolving doors in your life? That's what my first www weekend represented for me. A life changing opportunity God purposely put in my path, at the right time.

Would you have ever showed up, 3 hours from home, in an environment where you didn't know anyone, and not only did you immediately feel safe sharing all your feelings, but you also created life time friendships that helped you embrace turning point decisions for your own life....  Because those "strangers" are all so strong in their faith and you can finally RECEIVE,  and be validated and appreciated and authorized to value yourself.

I count the days between the yearly events, because I grow, I change, I learn, I have fun, I cry, I despair, I dance, I listen, I am heard. And my cup is full again.

Susan M.

WWW encompasses the ingredients to unplug and recharge your life. It’s a weekend that is worth investing in yourself. It has helped me to love and accept myself, just as God has designed me.

Come Away Ministries

Come Away Ministries


For I am determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified.

1 Cor.2:2



Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Receive my teachings and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Mathew 11:28-29



Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it.

1 Thessalonians 5:11



 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.

 Proverbs 17:22



Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.  

Philippians 2:2



Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith.

I Tim 4:12



We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.

 Col 1:9